Editorial Guidelines


Feel free to copy and paste these headings for your organization post. Also you can submit your organization using this form: https://nelsoncreston.ca/add-your-issue-or-organization/

  • What is the organization and where are they located?
  • What is the organization and where are they located?
  • What is the organization’s history?
  • Organization Mission
  • Organization Vision
  • Key Issues and Actions
  • Resources


Feel free to copy and paste these headings and use them as the basis for your post. Also you can submit your issue using this form: https://nelsoncreston.ca/add-your-issue-or-organization/

What’s the problem/issue?

This should be a 1-2 paragraph summary of the issue or organization. For example,

“The residents of the Nelson North Shore between 6 mile and Kokanee Park are experiencing almost daily helicopter traffic from a new mining operation above Duhamel, Sitkum and Kokanee watersheds. First reported by the Duhamel Creek Watershed Society, the project is a 5 year gold exploratory project that will include 35 drill holes, new roads, and a drilling camp. The Ontario-based mining company, Diamond Drilling(?) has not said what a full-scale mining operation might look like.

The mining operation, in any stage, will impact traffic, wildlife and add risk of contamination or blockage from roads and runoff, to streams and creeks.”

Who is impacted by this issue or who are the players in this organization?

This should be a 1-2 paragraph overview of the stakeholders, including the residents, companies and organizations, and should always include the local government representative most responsible.

“This mining operation impact North Shore residents between 6 mile and Kokanee Park. The Duhamel Creek Watershed Society is the community organization based at 6 Mile that is monitoring the situation. Ramona Faust, Area E Director, has not publicly commented on this issue.”

What is the ideal outcome or state for this issue or organization?

Ideally, you to talk to local residents and develop a few paragraph description of an ideal state. You need to be clear in your description, exactly who would consider this “ideal” and why other stakeholders, in opposition to this ideal, might feel this is not ideal.

“Many residents would prefer that the mining operation discovers no gold of sufficient value to warrant further development. Even the most low-impact mining operation would add additional heavy vehicle traffic in and out of the area and some impact to wildlife and streams. Barring no development at all, the ideal for residents, would be a mining company works with the community and the province to develop a near-zero-impact operation similar to X mining operation and provide some compensation and employment to residents. If compensation or employment is provided, some residents might favour the development over not.”

What role is the BC government currently playing vis-a-vis this issue or organization?

1-2 paragraphs about the BC government involvement in this issue or with this organization.

“The BC NDP government has not issued a public comment on the operation. Oversight of mining in BC is currently the responsibility of local MLA and Minister of Mines and Energy, Michelle Mungall.”

What role should the BC government play (ie. what is the Green Party’s solution)?

Reference the Green Party platform and policies related to this issue. If you can be specific, about solutions or ideas that Greens might have for helping this issue? Be careful to not get over your skis. Make sure that if you attribute something to the Greens, you reference your source, otherwise be clear where the idea came from.

If the Green Party doesn’t have a position, or you don’t know it, be honest and say that. And then prior to publishing put out an internal call for help to Greens on social media. If you don’t get a timely response, publish the post, and then share it with the BC Green Caucus member’s office for a comment. And, then (and most importantly), ask for people to post their ideas in the comments. Post it to social media and ask for ideas there too.

“The BC Greens support the responsible development and use of resources for the needs of communities and the province, now and in the future. BC Greens support joint decision-making with Indigenous Peoples and local government on resource development. BC Greens recognize First Nations as equals in land management with provincial resource agencies. BC Greens support a co-management stewardship model with First Nationsfor the development of provincial resources.

In this case, that would mean active reengagement with North Shore residents….”

What Next?

Each post should finish with a “What’s Next?” section. Here you can direct people to read more (include links to more information), share their corrections, thoughts and ideas in the comments, share on social media, and let us know about any other issues in their area.